Being Florence

Being Florence

INSTITUTIONAL AND STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION Being Florence: mid-term budget Supporting the institutions in communicating mandate activities Between December 2021 and April 2022 Avventura Urbana accompanied the Municipality of Florence in communicating the actions it had...
Street for Kids

Street for Kids

URBAN REGENERATION Street for Kids: state-of-the-art redevelopment A participatory process with schools for ABCare The city grows with you In October 2023 Avventura Urbana dedicated itself to the coordination and support activities of the “Street for kids”...
New Valdelsa Square

New Valdelsa Square

URBAN REGENERATION Parole in Piazza: a new face for Piazza Valdelsa When the word on the streets sets the creative expression free Avventura Urbana was responsible for coordinating the participatory process of the urban art project “Parole in piazza”...
Ci vediamo a Porta San Marco

Ci vediamo a Porta San Marco

URBAN REGENERATION “See you at Porta San Marco”: the transition to urban regeneration The participatory process in Livorno for the redevelopment of the area “See you at Porta San Marco” (Ci vediamo a Porta San Marco) is a participatory process funded by...
Mobilitiamoci! participatory process

Mobilitiamoci! participatory process

URBAN REGENERATION “Let’s mobilise!”: urban regeneration is on the move A participatory process for the development of Via Montalbano in Quarrata In 2022 and 2023, Avventura Urbana was responsible for implementing the “Let’s mobilise!” (Mobilitiamoci!)...