United in Diversity electronic town meeting

United in Diversity electronic town meeting

DISCUSSION OF MAJOR SOCIAL ISSUES United in Diversity electronic town meeting It’s been a bridge of inter-religious communication and listening aimed at sharing visions and perspectives useful for guaranteeing everyone the possibility and certainty of having a funeral...
Tuscan law on participation

Tuscan law on participation

ADVOCACY FOR PARTICIPATION Tuscan law on participation: the first regional law in Italy In 2006, Avventura Urbana devised a participatory process for the Region of Tuscany for the drafting of the first regional law on participation in Italy. By using various...
Public debate in Italy

Public debate in Italy

ADVOCACY FOR PARTICIPATION Public debate: an Italian reality also signed by Avventura Urbana How Avventura Urbana has contributed to the drafting of the law in Italy The public debate was born in France in the 90s as a path of information and public discussion on the...
PIARC Italy conference

PIARC Italy conference

ADVOCACY FOR PARTICIPATION PIARC Italy conference: how to take better and faster decisions on public works In 2023, Avventura Urbana worked with PIARC – Italian National Committee, Anas Spa, the Order of Engineers of the Province of Rome and the National Council of...
Master’s course Consultation engineering

Master’s course Consultation engineering

TRAINING AND RESEARCH Master’s course in Consultation engineering at the Sorbonne Since 2010, Avventura Urbana has been sharing its expertise on the Master’s course in “Consultation engineering” (Ingénierie de la concertation) at the Sorbonne University in Paris,...