Ideal-EU project

Ideal-EU project

DISCUSSION OF MAJOR SOCIAL ISSUES Ideal-EU: the ideal Europe Union from the perspective of citizens An international citizens’ assembly for the future of the climate In 2008, Avventura Urbana organised an online town meeting on behalf of the European Commission...
EuroPolis project

EuroPolis project

DISCUSSION OF MAJOR SOCIAL ISSUES EuroPolis: the deliberative survey on immigration, climate and decision-making processes A European deliberative polity-making project EuroPolis, a deliberative polity-making project, was organised by the European Commission and...
Democracy Biennale – living wills and fiscal federalism

Democracy Biennale – living wills and fiscal federalism

DISCUSSION OF MAJOR SOCIAL ISSUES Democracy Biennale: debates on living wills and fiscal federalism Between 2009 and 2011, the Municipality of Turin and the committee promoting “Italia Centocinquanta”, a celebration of the 150-year anniversary of the founding of...
Public debate on the new Milan stadium

Public debate on the new Milan stadium

CONFLICT MEDIATION AND PUBLIC DEBATES Avventura Urbana referees the match on the new stadium in Milan The city’s two clubs offer local people a new place to enjoy sport and leisure activities The Municipality of Milan held a public debate to discuss the technical and...
Florence Airport Public Debate

Florence Airport Public Debate

CONFLICT MEDIATION AND PUBLIC DEBATES A public debate on the expansion of Florence Airport The future of Amerigo Vespucci Airport to be decided by a participatory process Toscana Aeroporti Spa, the sole management company of Florence and Pisa airports, has chosen...